Playing music found its way when I was in my early teens. An accumulation of things that happened in my life eventually led me to start practicing and playing the guitar. Not soon after I started singing along, then I started playing the piano. 

Because I started recording myself, I automatically learned how to work with different equipment and software. In order to create bigger productions, I was led using more and more gear to expand my palette of sound. Learning how to program synthesizers, working with microphones, drum-machines, fx processors/sound treatments. Suddenly I found myself engineering in order to keep everything working and running, recording and mixing as well as playing all the instruments.

In a few words – and those who know me a little bit better are aware of this – ; I am interested in a very broad movement of different types of music and art. For as long as I remember I feel attracted and supportive to those who are able to translate beauty, passion and wonder through art. I applaud those that succeed (commercial or non-commercial) and got (or go) through it, no matter who are you and where you come from. 

I would kindly like to invite you to have a look around my website or all the other platforms where you will find out about my works. I hope you will find something, I hope you will see through. I am aiming for a broader picture. 

Aside from working as an individual for smaller, commercial projects; I would like to work more often in a field of bigger productions whether it being more on the overall production, engineering or as a musician. Being it pop, rock, schlager (yes, it is very popular in Germany), or electronic. A leading or assisting role. The primary goal is to aim for progression; to learn, explore and – together – becoming better and better (and getting paid of course).

Thank you for your time. You are most welcome to contact me.