January 18, 2024

Update January 2024

Although the website is actively maintained by me, I have recently added some new things. Besides the fact that I have added some new photos and videos, the about and license my music headings are now also settled and up to date.

Almost every week I also add some posts to the writings section. I write about all sorts of things; music, gear, art, personal things and more.

Many thanks!


August 6, 2023


On the final day of July, I uploaded a new album that is titled ‘Tiere’ (German translation for Animals). Originally as a working title for a dozen of songs. Then, somewhere in the midst of the recording process, I decided to stick with it and use as the official name of the album. It’s a total of 10 songs that clocks around 43 minutes. It can be bought for €10,00 through Bandcamp using this link.

Good Day.


April 23, 2023


This Sunday, I have uploaded this song on Youtube titled “Traum”. It’s an atmospheric, ambient type of track. One synthesizer that is being used on this piece of music is the Vermona Synthesizer 1982. A synth that was built in the former DDR.  It is a 2-VCO monophonic analog synthesizer with some basic analog edit parameters. It has preset VCF(filter) and VCA(amplitude) settings, but you can also set these manually. I love an extended release with some nice reverb settings. As you might have guessed, this old German does not have internal effects, but in combination with some old FX units or using the internal FX in whatever DAW that you are working in, it can sound really nice. I am okay that it includes no MIDI (just play and try to add some beautiful textures to your music and live in the moment, yeah yeah). There is a Czech company out there that has made a MIDI interface for those who are interested..

Auf Wiedersehen.


April 12, 2023


My system crashed a few moments after I found this lush sample and played it through the sampler. I was lucky to find it again, or this song probably wouldn’t have existed (for the better or worse). It was done using lots of my early nineties gear, which I have been using extensively for the past months. In terms of genre, I believe you could consider this piece of music to be downtempo/chill-out.

Good Day.


April 6, 2023

Let’s Go To Your House!

As the summer begins to set into the city, were strolling down the streets. The year is 1991. The warm air vibrates a mixture of sounds and carries the smells that are so familiar to us both. Being young makes it feel as if this would last forever. No expectations, no plans. All that matters is that you and I are together.


March 30, 2023

Where’s Michael?

So Sheila, where’s Michael?

House song with the corny sounds of the best-selling synthesizer of all time (it sold like hot cakes!). This thing was literally everywhere in the late 80’s and early 90’s. I must confess that I still play the CD of Crystal Waters’ debut album “Surprise” from time to time and it does bring a smile to my face. Without any sentimental feelings though, because in 1991 I happen to be dead!

My unit is a little different from most (so much cooler). In December last year, I wrote an article titled “Who Knows More About This Detail On The Korg M1?”

I still haven’t found an articulate answer to my question. So to all tech-nerds and losers, please help me out!


March 21, 2023


Just not sure what this song is about. It’s a very strange, unusual song. The final result is not even close to how I started it in the beginning. I just kept working on it, adding elements, and it kept getting stranger and stranger. I imagine myself sitting in the backseat of a driving car somewhere in an industrial area at the stroke of midnight, the skyline of a giant city in the far away distance and I am being completely out of place. I don’t know what you think of it yourself.


March 14, 2023

Sheer White Curtains

Working on this song was a visual experience. A few images popped into my mind and I tried to accompany them with the right type of music and sound. My interpretation may not match at all, but the end result somewhat reminded me of music in films from David Lynch. I also played the music along with some imagery of the movie Se7en and I thought it worked okay as well.

What can I say, I hope you like it. I wonder how many of you read these posts. It’s easy for someone like me who’s not very talkative to post these things here on my website, because I don’t know how many of you are actually reading these (lol).


March 8, 2023

My Hopes


So recently I have been putting out a lot of music that I’ve been working on for the past months. Full albums take up so much time and the wait is long (and what you get in return is little). I work super structured but I tend to let go of that just a little bit. I just couldn’t be too bothered anymore.

The original song includes this section of strings, and I always loved that section. That is why I uploaded a short, strings only version. What can I say, I just love strings in music productions.

Hope all is well. It’s snowing here currently.


March 1, 2023


So as I was trying to go into a different direction musically, I am close to certain that “Purple” happen to be first finished song that I recorded here in my new studio in Germany. The carpet tiles in my studio are these beautiful, sort of nightish – for whatever that means – type of purple. It goes well with some of the stuff in this room, particularly the religious elements and dark brown wood that I am surrounded by. Anyway, I am not too sure whether this will ever make it on an album. It does have some nice bits here and there, but I was also glad to just finish it for whatever it is.

Yesterday, I uploaded a version of it on my Youtube channel.


February 22, 2023

Henry Street

So in the Lower East Side, you have this street called Henry Street. As I was working on this piece of music, I imagined myself leaning out of a window, a few floors above ground level while this comfortless, bleak and gloomy evening was passing by in a not so prosperous neighborhood (that certainly has changed) somewhere in the 70s/80s. Recently I came across a beautiful photo taken from Henry Street in June, 1979. In the distance the towers of the former World Trade Center, they had only been completed 6 years prior.

So today I uploaded this atmospheric piece of music on Youtube.



February 17, 2023

Mercedes-Benz CLK-Klasse 2002 Commercial

Yes, I know that the car in the picture is a R230 SL Series and not a CLK. I bought this toy car somewhere around 2003/2004 during a holiday with my family. For as long as I can remember, I have always loved Mercedes-Benz and it is my favourite car brand ever.

So I uploaded this video on Youtube the other day. It’s an old Benz commercial that is accompanied by my music. I’ll add some words down below that I wrote in the description of the video:

An advertisement of the Mercedes-Benz CLK (C209) accompanied by my music. In 1997 Mercedes-Benz brings a new generation of its legendary coupés onto the car market with the CLK. The CLK Series was produced until 2010. In 2002, Mercedes introduced the C209 type. A – in my view – timeless design and a new implementation and interpretation of the so-called “Vieraugen-Gesichts”. Since moving to Germany, I still see these cars on the road regularly.

Auf Wiedersehen.


February 16, 2023



I have uploaded some music I have been working on recently. You can find it on my Youtube channel.


December 6, 2022

Non-Teleological: Cities Anywhere Music Video Online


Today (10pm) my video for ‘Cities Anywhere’ can be found on the internet. The video is almost identical to the artwork. To make the overall aesthetics for the album more comprehensive and refined, the old iMac G3 displays lots of imagery that we filmed for the visuals of this album.

Thank you to everyone for considering to listen to my work. I have been receiving some really kind responses lately.


November 23, 2022

Non-Teleological: Movements Released

My third ‘Non-Teleological’ album can now be heard on almost all streaming services as well as my Youtube channel. It is called ‘Movements’. I sincerely hope that listeners will have a pleasant experience when listening to these work, as well as the other released works. Even though I am working on a lot of other musical projects which are radically different, I have found that working on these albums have been a pleasant experience. The final album of this project – at least for the year of 2022 – is scheduled for December 24, 2022. I am hopeful to see where I can lead this project to in the new year. I am already working out new ideas. 

I thank everyone who have reached out to me to tell me they like it.

Avec beaucoup d’amour, 


November 16, 2022

Preview For Non-Teleological: Movements Released


The third album of the “Non-Teleological” series will be released – next week – on the 23rd of November. The album will be called “Movements” and I’ve uploaded a short preview on my Youtube channel. I’ll add it here right away.


November 4, 2022

Music Video Released For Non-Teleological: Why, How

Hi Everyone, 

Today, I uploaded the music video for the “Why, How” Album. It’s uploaded to my Youtube channel. 

Have a good day. 


October 31, 2022

The Website Has Been Upgraded

Hi All,

I just wanted to let you know that the website has received a minor upgrade. The ‘Writings’ as well as the ‘News’ pages are upgraded. Both pages now have individual links to the related posts, where you can also click and go to the attached photo.

Special thanks to Oliver Qiu!



October 24, 2022

Non-Teleological: Cities Anywhere Has Been Released

Good evening everyone, 

Two days ago, the second album of my “Non-Teleological” series has been released. It’s called “Non-Teleological: Cities Anywhere

Some information regarding this new album can be found in the description of the video that I posted on Youtube. I will share the link of that video here.

Hope you all like it,


October 12, 2022

Non-Teleological: Why, How – Send Out Into The Online World


About 3 weeks ago, I released the first record of a series that is called “Non-Teleological”.

This release – “Non-Teleological: Why, How” – can be listened to on almost any music platform that you like. 

On this website, In the section called “Writings”, you can find a post called “Some Extra Information Regarding My Latest Upload” where I tell a bit more about this project. You can also read the description of the Youtube upload for this particular album. It provides a good amount of information. 

Thank you all, 


September 15, 2022

And All Generations To Come (LHSR) On Streaming Services

LHSR stands for Live “Home Studio” Recording since I happen to be the most original human being out there calling my home studio the “Home Studio”. I should’ve won some prize for my originality.

Not getting too deep here: Patch bank 3, patch number 7. The song sort of honors the famous Soundtrack patch that was designed by the great Eric Persing (Spectrasonics) for the release of the Roland D-50 in 1987.

One funny thing: the piece initially was an improvisation that I had sent to a friend (who also owns a D-50) to point out a certain sound characteristic that I now know of as ‘the little more noisy, gritty, with a little hiss’ sound characteristic that comes with the original unit (mine dates from June 1987). Part of the feedback that I received was that he liked what I was playing and that he wished it to be longer. It was a simple improvisation in C Major and the song characterizes itself for its build up and release of tension. 

And All Generations To Come (LHSR) is now available on almost all streaming services.



September 13, 2022

Sleazy Neighbourhood Available On Most Streaming Services

I have always felt attracted to music that doesn’t or makes little use of musical instruments. Sleazy Neighbourhood might work well with certain film scenes, video games or theatre plays due to its atmospheric quality. Re-listening to it, I still enjoy its stereo-field approach. Overall, I think it is just very moody and atmospheric. I might do more of these atmospheric sound design type of music (if only people want to pay me for doing it of course). 

For anyone who is interested: I wrote the original music somewhere in February of 2020. Later, at the end of that year, I changed an original, synthesized wind for a sampled based one. An improved mix produced the ending result. Only the piano – playing some major and diminished (seventh) chords – is used as a musical instrument. Other tracks are based on recordings (me doing all kinds of stuff) + people talking at Alexanderplatz, Berlin as well as several samples (a couple from eighties sample machines). This altogether made up for the final version.

Sleazy Neighbourhood is now available on almost all streaming services.



September 6, 2022

Twelve Years, Three Months and Ten Days On Most Streaming Services

“Yes, I should have thought twice about naming an album that long”.


Again, the title speaks for itself. Twelve Years, Three Months And Ten Days can now be listened on almost – if not all – streaming services!

This happen to be one of my favorite “Ambient” Projects that I have done. I still love how the idea worked out both musically and visually. I can’t wait till I will be able to play my Yamaha SY77 again. A beautiful, special machine for this type of genre. Its unique envelope generator is one of the best features that I can think off and I wish all synthesizers would have it on board.



September 4, 2022

Music Available On Most Streaming Services

Well, I say “most” because I really don’t know how many actually exist. 


I suppose the title speaks for itself. I have uploaded my music to streaming services (Spotify, Tidal, Apple Music and more). The first upload is “Trust That Better Days Are Coming” which was officially launched on my Youtube channel on January 12, 2021. I am planning to upload the other – already released – music as well in the coming weeks. 

A little side note: some of my work which I consider as album formats, are uploaded as singles. Due to the fact that they only contain one song – even though they are often times 35+ minutes long, I unfortunately have no control in this matter. I have seen a couple of “one song albums” on streaming services, so it can be done. As of now, I have not figured out a way how to change this. 

Hope all is well.
