About Tiere Songs

September 30, 2023

About Tiere Songs

All the songs from the ‘Tiere’ album are now on Youtube. Here is some extra information:

I wanted to make a record that would include a couple of songs that had a certain overall sound. The album has this atmospheric, ambient feel, but the songs themselves very much rely on chord changes (often layers of synths) and small, simple melody lines that have a slight staccato feel. The sound I envisioned in preparation of making this album is certainly there on the eventual recording itself.

95% of the album exists of synths that were from the late eighties and early nineties. In most cases, they just have the right sound palette.

The intro song on the album includes one of the most famous presets ever: 00 ‘Universe’ from the Korg M1. During the first sections of the song it goes together with a similar patch from the Yamaha SY85 that has this beautiful – sort of – ‘shimmering’ quality to it. Later some ‘anchoring’ depth is added using two patches from the Roland JV-1080.

A trick that I use quite often and that I’d certainly recommend is to layer the SY85 with the JV-1080. They go very well together and they’re often times the fundament of many of my songs. The second song from the album ‘Frösche’ demonstrates this very well around the 3 minute mark. The SY85 and the JV-1080 thicken up the sound nicely, but also leave room for other frequencies to interfere.

I always thought that the seventh track on the album titled ‘Vögel’ wasn’t going to be on the record because I felt that it sounded too grandiose and big compared to the other songs. Surprisingly, I got a lot of positive feedback about that song. The song plays multiple layers of strings & pads. It’s a variation on a song I previously uploaded named ‘My Hopes’, which originated from a more downtempo/techno demo that I haven’t uploaded as of yet. The original demo includes this section of strings that I always loved and have used as a foundation for – as is stands today – two songs.

My personal favorite is the final song. It is so simple and everlasting. I feel it’s both pretty and disturbing. Kind of reflective I suppose. It could’ve gone on forever, but I can’t do that to anyone listening (of course I can, lol). For anyone that has a SY85 or TG500, the pad patch is called ‘SP Synth’ which when played at a very low velocity, sounds quite nice.