Some Extra Information Regarding My Latest Upload

September 25, 2022

(Originally written on September 22, 2022)

Some Extra Information Regarding My Latest Upload

Hi Everyone, 

Yesterday, I posted a new album on Youtube called: “Non-Teleological: Why, How”. I am a little hesitant to say that I kind of like the “Non-Teleological” concept. For now, three other related records are scheduled for the 22th of October, the 23th of November and the 24th of December. 

I can understand that not everyone is into this type of music. For me, and luckily a couple of kind people who have reached out to me, it comes very natural. For a long time, I have been enjoying music from composers who have been considered “Minimal, Avant-Garde, Repetitive, Ambient (you pick the adjectives). There are couple of important musical works that quite struck a chord with me and have changed the way that I perceive music. 

In the meantime I also work on more “commercial sounding” music. Consider it to sound more inviting, upbeat, pleasing and harmonic. My recent studio is a lot bigger and even though it is not running on its fullest potential at the moment (we’re still in the aftermath of a big renovation), I finally have much more freedom to experiment with more gear, drummachines, vocals, guitars etc. I believe that the old “Home Studio” is part of the reason why I limited to myself to making – no pun intended – limited music. I simply didn’t have that much space, but I will never forget the lessons I learnt in that tiny, wonderful little studio. 

Hope all is well with you, 
