The Super JV

September 5, 2023

The Super JV

A little while ago, I was sampling some drum sounds from the Roland JV-1080. Released in 1994, this machine will be 30 years old next year. Considering this, I can’t help but feeling a little impressed. Every time I work with this machine, I get lost in the many patches and sounds that this 2U rack box in its black, brushed aluminum outfit is able to produce. You can install the printed circuit boards (SR-JV80-XX) yourself by unscrewing the top of the housing and placing the expansion boards. With the possibility to expand it with 4 expansion boards (I have 2 myself) this machine can produce up to 42 +/- MB of ROM(!) of sounds. That is – considering the year of its release – truly impressive!

I remember picking up my unit in The Hague on a hot summer day. A fine memory! I have used the 1080 in many of my productions ever since.